IPTC Newscodes IPTC Subjects Arts culture et spectacles {arts culture and entertainment} {01000000} Archéologie {archaeology} {01001000} Architecture {architecture} {01002000} Tauromachie {bullfighting} {01003000} Festivals et carnavals {festive event (including carnival)} {01004000} Cinéma {cinema} {01005000} Festival de cinéma {film festival} {01005001} Danse {dance} {01006000} Mode {fashion} {01007000} Joaillerie {jewelry} {01007001} Langue {language} {01008000} Bibliothèque et musée {library and museum} {01009000} Littérature {literature} {01010000} Fiction {fiction} {01010001} Poésie {poetry} {01010002} Musique {music} {01011000} Musique classique {classical music} {01011001} Folk {folk music} {01011002} Jazz {jazz music} {01011003} Pop {popular music} {01011004} Country {country music} {01011005} Rock {rock and roll music} {01011006} Hip Hop {hip-hop} {01011007} Peinture {painting} {01012000} Photographie {photography} {01013000} Radio {radio} {01014000} Sculpture {sculpture} {01015000} Arts Plastiques {plastic art} {01015001} Télévision {television} {01016000} Soap opéra {soap opera} {01016001} Théâtre {theatre} {01017000} Musique scénique {music theatre} {01017001} Patrimoine {monument and heritage site} {01018000} Institutions-DEPRECATED {institution-DEPRECATED} {01018001} Coutumes et traditions {customs and tradition} {01019000} Arts {arts (general)} {01020000} Divertissement {entertainment (general)} {01021000} Trophée divertissement {entertainment award} {01021001} Culture {culture (general)} {01022000} Histoire de la culture {cultural development} {01022001} Boîte de nuit {nightclub} {01023000} Bande dessinée {cartoon} {01024000} Dessin animé {animation} {01025000} Média {mass media} {01026000} Périodiques {periodicals} {01026001} Radio-tv {news media} {01026002} Journaux {newspapers} {01026003} Revue de critiques {reviews} {01026004} Internet {internet} {01027000} Histoire {history} {01028000} Police et justice {crime law and justice} {02000000} Criminalité {crime} {02001000} Homicide {homicide} {02001001} Piratage informatique {computer crime} {02001002} Vol {theft} {02001003} Trafic de drogue {drug trafficking} {02001004} Viol {sexual assault} {02001005} Agression {assault (general)} {02001006} Kidnapping {kidnapping} {02001007} Incendie criminel {arson} {02001008} Délinquance en bandes {gang activity} {02001009} Terrorisme {terrorism} {02001010} Système judicaire {judiciary (system of justice)} {02002000} Avocat {lawyer} {02002001} Juge {judge} {02002002} Greffe {court administration} {02002003} Police {police} {02003000} Forces de l'ordre {law enforcement} {02003001} Enquête {investigation} {02003002} Arrestation {arrest} {02003003} Peines {punishment} {02004000} Amende {fine} {02004001} Execution {execution} {02004002} Prison {prison} {02005000} Lois {laws} {02006000} Droit Pénal {criminal} {02006001} Droit civil {civil} {02006002} Droits {justice and rights} {02007000} Droits civils {civil rights} {02007001} Procès {trials} {02008000} Litige {litigation} {02008001} Arbitrage {arbitration} {02008002} Audiences préliminaires {court preliminary} {02008003} Accusation {prosecution} {02009000} Accusé {defendant} {02009001} Témoin {witness} {02009002} Crime organisé {organized crime} {02010000} Droit International {international law} {02011000} Cour ou tribunal international {international court or tribunal} {02011001} Extradition {extradition} {02011002} Délinquance financière {corporate crime} {02012000} Fraude {fraud} {02012001} Détournements {embezzlement} {02012002} Infraction commerciale {restraint of trade} {02012003} Violation de contrat {breach of contract} {02012004} Infraction anti-trust {anti-trust crime} {02012005} Corruption {corruption} {02012006} Subornation de témoins {bribery} {02012007} Crime de guerre {war crime} {02013000} Enquête {inquest} {02014000} Enquête {inquiry} {02015000} Tribunal {tribunal} {02016000} Désastres et accidents {disaster and accident} {03000000} Sécheresse {drought} {03001000} Tremblement de terre {earthquake} {03002000} Famine {famine} {03003000} Incendie {fire} {03004000} Inondation {flood} {03005000} Accident industriel {industrial accident} {03006000} Effondrement {structural failures} {03006001} Désastre météorologique {meteorological disaster} {03007000} Tempête {windstorms} {03007001} Accident nucléaire {nuclear accident} {03008000} Pollution {pollution} {03009000} Accident de transport {transport accident} {03010000} Accident de la route {road accident} {03010001} Accident de chemin de fer {railway accident} {03010002} Accident dans l'air et l'espace {air and space accident} {03010003} Accidents maritimes {maritime accident} {03010004} éruption volcanique {volcanic eruption} {03011000} ONG {relief and aid organisation} {03012000} Accident {accident (general)} {03013000} Situation d'urgence {emergency incident} {03014000} Explosion {explosion} {03014001} Désastre {disaster (general)} {03015000} Catastrophe naturelle {natural disasters} {03015001} Avalanche/Glissement de terrain {avalanche/landslide} {03015002} Prévention et organisation des secours {emergency planning} {03016000} Sauvetage {rescue} {03017000} Economie et finances {economy business and finance} {04000000} Agriculture {agriculture} {04001000} Cultures {arable farming} {04001001} Pêche {fishing industry} {04001002} Exploitation forestière {forestry and timber} {04001003} élevage {livestock farming} {04001004} Viticulture {viniculture} {04001005} Aquaculture {aquaculture} {04001006} Chimie {chemicals} {04002000} Biotechnologie {biotechnology} {04002001} Engrais {fertiliser} {04002002} Hygiène et Cosmétiques {health and beauty product} {04002003} Chimie inorganique {inorganic chemical} {04002004} Chimie organique {organic chemical} {04002005} Pharmacie {pharmaceutical} {04002006} Plastiques et synthétiques {synthetic and plastic} {04002007} Informatique et technologie de l'information {computing and information technology} {04003000} Matériel informatique {hardware} {04003001} Réseaux et télécommunications {networking} {04003002} Satellites {satellite technology} {04003003} Semiconducteurs {semiconductors and active components} {04003004} Logiciels {software} {04003005} équipement de télécommunication {telecommunication equipment} {04003006} Services télécoms {telecommunication service} {04003007} Sécurité {security} {04003008} Technologie sans-fil {wireless technology} {04003009} équipement et immobilier {construction and property} {04004000} Travaux Publics {heavy construction} {04004001} Bâtiment {house building} {04004002} Immobilier {real estate} {04004003} Exploitations agricoles {farms} {04004004} Foncier {land price} {04004005} Rénovation {renovation} {04004006} Design et ingénierie {design and engineering} {04004007} énergie et ressources {energy and resource} {04005000} énergies alternatives {alternative energy} {04005001} Charbon {coal} {04005002} Pétrole et gaz {oil and gas - downstream activities} {04005003} Pétrole et gaz {oil and gas - upstream activities} {04005004} énergie nucléaire {nuclear power} {04005005} électricité {electricity production and distribution} {04005006} Traitement des déchets {waste management and pollution control} {04005007} Alimentation en eau {water supply} {04005008} Ressources naturelles {natural resources (general)} {04005009} énergie {energy (general)} {04005010} Gaz naturel {natural gas} {04005011} Essence {petrol} {04005012} Carburant diesel {diesel fuel} {04005013} Kérosène {kerosene/paraffin} {04005014} Services financiers {financial and business service} {04006000} Comptabilité et Audit {accountancy and auditing} {04006001} Banque {banking} {04006002} Consultants {consultancy service} {04006003} Agence pour l'emploi {employment agency} {04006004} Services de santé {healthcare provider} {04006005} Assurances {insurance} {04006006} Service juridique {legal service} {04006007} études de marché {market research} {04006008} Courtage d'actions {stock broking} {04006009} Placements personnels {personal investing} {04006010} Tendance du marché {market trend} {04006011} Sociétés de tansport {shipping service} {04006012} Soins de beauté {personal service} {04006013} Sociétés d'entretien {janitorial service} {04006014} Pompes funèbres {funeral parlour and crematorium} {04006015} Sociétés de location {rental service} {04006016} Services matrimoniaux {wedding service} {04006017} épargne personnelle {personal finance} {04006018} Revenus personnels {personal income} {04006019} Ventes anx enchères {auction service} {04006020} Reprographie {printing/promotional service} {04006021} Conseillers financiers {investment service} {04006022} Distribution {consumer goods} {04007000} Habillement {clothing} {04007001} Grands magasins {department store} {04007002} Alimentation {food} {04007003} Vente par correspondance {mail order} {04007004} Commerce de détail {retail} {04007005} Commerce spécialisé {speciality store} {04007006} Grossistes {wholesale} {04007007} Distribution de boissons {beverage} {04007008} Commerce électronique {electronic commerce} {04007009} Commerce de luxe {luxury good} {04007010} Biens de consommation {non-durable good} {04007011} Jouets {toy} {04007012} Macro économie {macro economics} {04008000} Banques centrales {central bank} {04008001} Consommation {consumer issue} {04008002} Marché obligataire {debt market} {04008003} Indicateurs économiques {economic indicator} {04008004} Pays émergents {emerging market} {04008005} Marché des changes {foreign exchange market} {04008006} Aide publique {government aid} {04008007} Dette publique {government debt} {04008008} Taux d'intérêts {interest rate} {04008009} Institutions économiques internationales {international economic institution} {04008010} Commerce International {international (foreign) trade} {04008011} Financement {loan market} {04008012} Organisations économiques {economic organization} {04008013} Confiance des consommateurs {consumer confidence} {04008014} Conflit commercial {trade dispute} {04008015} Inflation et déflation {inflation and deflation} {04008016} Prix {prices} {04008017} Changes {currency values} {04008018} Budget {budgets and budgeting} {04008019} Crédit {credit and debt} {04008020} Prêts {loans} {04008021} Emprunts immobiliers {mortgages} {04008022} Marchés financiers {financial markets} {04008023} Marchés des matières premières {commodity markets} {04008024} Investissements {investments} {04008025} Parts de société {stocks} {04008026} Obligations {bonds} {04008027} Fonds d'investissement {mutual funds} {04008028} Produits dérivés {derivative securities} {04008029} Importations {imports} {04008030} Exportations {exports} {04008031} Accords commerciaux {trade agreements} {04008032} Politique commerciale {trade policy} {04008033} Entrepises {business enterprises} {04008034} Droits de douane {tariff} {04008035} Balance commerciale {trade balance} {04008036} Marchés {market and exchange} {04009000} Marché énergie {energy} {04009001} Métaux {metal} {04009002} Bourse {securities} {04009003} Denrées {soft commodity} {04009004} Médias {media} {04010000} Publicité {advertising} {04010001} édition {book} {04010002} Cinéma {cinema industry} {04010003} Agences de presse {news agency} {04010004} Journaux et périodiques {newspaper and magazine} {04010005} Services en ligne {online} {04010006} Relations publiques {public relation} {04010007} Industrie de la Radio {radio industry} {04010008} Câble et satellite {satellite and cable service} {04010009} Industrie de la télévision {television industry} {04010010} Industrie musicale {music industry} {04010011} Industries métallurgiques et mécaniques {manufacturing and engineering} {04011000} Industrie aéronautique et de l' espace {aerospace} {04011001} Industrie automobile {automotive equipment} {04011002} Industrie de défense {defence equipment} {04011003} équipement électrique {electrical appliance} {04011004} Mécanique lourde {heavy engineering} {04011005} Composants industriels {industrial component} {04011006} contrôle et mesure {instrument engineering} {04011007} Construction navale {shipbuilding} {04011008} Machine outil {machine manufacturing} {04011009} Métaux et minéraux {metal and mineral} {04012000} Matériaux de construction {building material} {04012001} Or et métaux précieux {gold and precious material} {04012002} Sidérurgie {iron and steel} {04012003} Métaux non ferreux {non ferrous metal} {04012004} Mines {mining} {04012005} Industries de transformation {process industry} {04013000} Boissons alcoolisées {distiller and brewer} {04013001} Alimentation {food} {04013002} Meubles et décoration {furnishings and furniture} {04013003} Papier et emballage {paper and packaging product} {04013004} Caoutchouc {rubber product} {04013005} Boissons non alcoolisées {soft drinks} {04013006} Textile {textile and clothing} {04013007} Tabac {tobacco} {04013008} Tourisme et loisirs {tourism and leisure} {04014000} Casinos {casino and gambling} {04014001} Hotellerie {hotel and accommodation} {04014002} Articles de sport et plein air {recreational and sporting goods} {04014003} Restauration {restaurant and catering} {04014004} Voyagistes {tour operator} {04014005} Industrie de transport {transport} {04015000} Transport aérien {air transport} {04015001} Transport ferroviaire {railway} {04015002} Transport routier {road transport} {04015003} Transport fluvial et maritime {waterway and maritime transport} {04015004} Vie des sociétés {company information} {04016000} Comptabilité et audit {accounting and audit} {04016001} Assemblées générales {annual and special corporate meeting} {04016002} Rapports annuels {annual report} {04016003} Problèmes de concurrence {antitrust issue} {04016004} Fusions-acquisitions {merger acquisition and takeover} {04016005} Commentaires d'analystes {analysts' comment} {04016006} Défaillances d'entreprise {bankruptcy} {04016007} Carnet des entreprises {board of directors (appointment and change)} {04016008} Rachats d'actions {buyback} {04016009} Interviews de dirigeants {C.E.O. interview} {04016010} Dirigeants {corporate officer} {04016011} Portraits d'entreprises {corporate profile} {04016012} Contrats {contract} {04016013} Contrats militaires {defence contract} {04016014} Dividendes {dividend announcement} {04016015} Prévisions de résultats {earnings forecast} {04016016} Entreprise en difficulté {financially distressed company} {04016017} Résultats {earnings} {04016018} Introduction en bourse {financing and stock offering} {04016019} Contrats publics {government contract} {04016020} Développement international {global expansion} {04016021} Délits d'initiés {insider trading} {04016022} Entreprise en participation {joint venture} {04016023} Rachats d'entreprises {leveraged buyout} {04016024} Restructurations {layoffs and downsizing} {04016025} Accords de licence {licensing agreement} {04016026} Contentieux {litigation and regulation} {04016027} Modification de l'organigramme {management change} {04016028} Marketing {marketing} {04016029} Nouveaux produits {new product} {04016030} Patentes et brevets {patent copyright and trademark} {04016031} Fermetures d'usines {plant closing} {04016032} Ouvertures d'usines {plant opening} {04016033} Privatisations {privatisation} {04016034} Procurations {proxy filing} {04016035} Indice et classement {rating} {04016036} Recherche et developpement {research and development} {04016037} Comptes trimestriels et semestriels {quarterly or semiannual financial statement} {04016038} Recapitalisation {restructuring and recapitalisation} {04016039} Essaimage {spin-off} {04016040} Activité du titre {stock activity} {04016041} Production industrielle {industrial production} {04016042} Productivité {productivity} {04016043} Stocks {inventories} {04016044} Ventes {sales} {04016045} Personne morale {corporations} {04016046} Actionnaire {shareholders} {04016047} Performance des entreprises {corporate performance} {04016048} Pertes {losses} {04016049} Degré de solvabilité {credit ratings} {04016050} échanges d'actions {stock splits} {04016051} Options sur titres {stock options} {04016052} Echanges de marchandises {recalls (products)} {04016053} Mondialisation {globalization} {04016054} Consommateurs {consumers} {04016055} Achat {purchase} {04016056} Nouvelle activité {new service} {04016057} économie {economy (general)} {04017000} Politique économique {economic policy} {04017001} Affaires {business (general)} {04018000} Institution {institution} {04018001} Finances {finance (general)} {04019000} Politique monétaire {money and monetary policy} {04019001} Education {education} {05000000} Formation permanente {adult education} {05001000} Enseignement post-scolaire {further education} {05002000} Parents d'élèves {parent organisation} {05003000} Préscolaire {preschool} {05004000} écoles collèges lycées {school} {05005000} école primaire {elementary schools} {05005001} Collège {middle schools} {05005002} Lycées {high schools} {05005003} Syndicats d'enseignants {teachers union} {05006000} Université {university} {05007000} éducation en général {upbringing} {05008000} Examen ou concours d'entrée {entrance examination} {05009000} Pédagogie {teaching and learning} {05010000} étudiants {students} {05010001} Enseignants {teachers} {05010002} Programmes d'étude {curriculum} {05010003} Examen {test/examination} {05010004} Education religieuse {religious education} {05011000} Ecole catholique {parochial school} {05011001} Séminaire {seminary} {05011002} Yeshiva {yeshiva} {05011003} Ecole coranique {madrasa} {05011004} Environnement {environmental issue} {06000000} énergies alternatives {renewable energy} {06001000} Protection de la nature {conservation} {06002000} Espèce menacée {endangered species} {06002001} Ecosystème {ecosystem} {06002002} économies d'énergie {energy saving} {06003000} Politique de l'environnement {environmental politics} {06004000} Pollution de l'environnement {environmental pollution} {06005000} Pollution de l'air {air pollution} {06005001} Pollution de l'eau {water pollution} {06005002} Ressources naturelles {natural resources} {06006000} Réserve naturelle {land resources} {06006001} Parcs naturels {parks} {06006002} Forêts {forests} {06006003} Marais {wetlands} {06006004} Montagnes {mountains} {06006005} Rivières {rivers} {06006006} Océans {oceans} {06006007} Animaux sauvages {wildlife} {06006008} Energie {energy resources} {06006009} Nature {nature} {06007000} Espèces envahissantes {invasive species} {06007001} Population {population} {06008000} Déchets {waste} {06009000} Distribution de l'eau {water} {06010000} Alerte à la pollution {global warming} {06011000} Matières dangereuses {hazardous materials} {06012000} Dépollution {environmental cleanup} {06013000} Santé {health} {07000000} Maladies {disease} {07001000} Maladies contagieuses {communicable diseases} {07001001} Maladie virale {virus diseases} {07001002} SIDA {AIDS} {07001003} Cancer {cancer} {07001004} Maladie cardiaque {heart disease} {07001005} Alzheimer {alzheimer's disease} {07001006} Maladie animale {animal diseases} {07001007} Maladie végétale {plant diseases} {07001008} Retrovirus {retrovirus} {07001009} épidémie {epidemic and plague} {07002000} Traitements {health treatment} {07003000} Prescription médicale {prescription drugs} {07003001} Compléments nutritifs {dietary supplements} {07003002} Régime {diet} {07003003} Protocole médical {medical procedure/test} {07003004} Thérapie {therapy} {07003005} Organisations de santé {health organisations} {07004000} Recherche médicale {medical research} {07005000} Personnel médical {medical staff} {07006000} Médecin généraliste {primary care physician} {07006001} Syndicats des travailleurs de santé {health-workers union} {07006002} Médicaments {medicine} {07007000} Phytothérapie {herbal} {07007001} Médecine holistique {holistic} {07007002} Médecine occidentale {western} {07007003} Médecine traditionnelle chinoise {traditional Chinese} {07007004} Médecine préventive {preventative medicine} {07008000} Vaccins {vaccines} {07008001} Blessures {injury} {07009000} Hôpitaux et cliniques {hospital and clinic} {07010000} Santé publique {government health care} {07011000} Medicare {medicare} {07011001} Medicaid {medicaid} {07011002} Assurances médicales {private health care} {07012000} Politique de santé {healthcare policy} {07013000} Sûreté alimenatire {food safety} {07013001} Spécialisations médicales {medical specialisation} {07014000} Gériatrie {geriatric} {07014001} Pédiatrie {pediatrics} {07014002} Reproduction {reproduction} {07014003} Génétique {genetics} {07014004} Gynécologie {obstetrics/gynecology} {07014005} Examens médicaux {medical service} {07015000} Etat physique {physical fitness} {07016000} Maladie {illness} {07017000} Maladie mentale {mental illness} {07017001} Troubles alimentaires {eating disorder} {07017002} Obésité {obesity} {07017003} Etat de santé {medical conditions} {07018000} Patient {patient} {07019000} Centres d'intérêts {human interest} {08000000} Animaux {animal} {08001000} Insolite {curiosity} {08002000} Gens {people} {08003000} Conseil recettes {advice} {08003001} Célébrités {celebrity} {08003002} Succès {accomplishment} {08003003} Mésaventures {human mishap} {08003004} Bonne aventure {fortune-telling} {08003005} ésotérisme {mystery} {08004000} Mondanités {society} {08005000} Cérémonie {ceremony} {08005001} Mort {death} {08005002} Funérailles {funeral} {08005003} Don immobillier {estate bestowal} {08005004} Mémorial {memorial} {08005005} Prix et récompenses {award and prize} {08006000} Record {record} {08006001} Royauté {imperial and royal matters} {08007000} Usine {plant} {08008000} Travail {labour} {09000000} Apprentissage {apprentices} {09001000} Convention collective {collective contract} {09002000} Accords salariaux {contract issue-wages} {09002001} Assurance sociale privée {contract issue-healthcare} {09002002} Règlement intérieur d'entreprises {contract issue-work rules} {09002003} Emploi {employment} {09003000} Marché du travail {labor market} {09003001} Plan social {job layoffs} {09003002} Travail des enfants {child labor} {09003003} Profession {occupations} {09003004} Conditions de travail {labour dispute} {09004000} Législation du travail {labour legislation} {09005000} Retraite {retirement} {09006000} Reconversion {retraining} {09007000} Grèves {strike} {09008000} Chômage {unemployment} {09009000} Syndicats {unions} {09010000} Salaire brut {wage and pension} {09011000} Allocations sociales {employee benefits} {09011001} Cotisations Vieillesse {social security} {09011002} Relations du travail {work relations} {09012000} Règles de sécurité au travail {health and safety at work} {09013000} Formation continue {advanced training} {09014000} Employeurs {employer} {09015000} Personnel {employee} {09016000} Vie quotidienne et loisirs {lifestyle and leisure} {10000000} Jeux {game} {10001000} Jeu de Go {Go} {10001001} échecs {chess} {10001002} Bridge {bridge} {10001003} Shogi {shogi} {10001004} Jeux de hasard et loteries {gaming and lottery} {10002000} Gastronomie {gastronomy} {10003000} Aliments biologiques {organic foods} {10003001} Violons d'Ingres {hobby} {10004000} Loisirs créatifs {DIY} {10004001} Shopping {shopping} {10004002} Jardinage {gardening} {10004003} Vacances {holiday or vacation} {10005000} Tourisme {tourism} {10006000} Voyage et transport quotidien {travel and commuting} {10007000} Information routière {traffic} {10007001} Associations et clubs {club and association} {10008000} Vie quotidienne {lifestyle (house and home)} {10009000} Loisirs {leisure (general)} {10010000} Jour férié {public holiday} {10011000} Chasse {hunting} {10012000} Pêche {fishing} {10013000} Evolution de l'automobile {auto trends} {10014000} Aventure {adventure} {10015000} Beauté {beauty} {10016000} Consommateurs {consumer issue} {10017000} Mariage {wedding} {10018000} Politique {politics} {11000000} Défense {defence} {11001000} Anciens combattants {veterans affairs} {11001001} Sécurité nationale {national security} {11001002} Mesures de sécurité {security measures} {11001003} Forces armées {armed Forces} {11001004} équipement militaire {military equipment} {11001005} Armes à feu {firearms} {11001006} Armes biologiques et chimiques {biological and chemical weapons} {11001007} Systèmes de missiles {missile systems} {11001008} Arme nucléaire {nuclear weapons} {11001009} Diplomatie {diplomacy} {11002000} Sommet {summit} {11002001} Relations internationales {international relations} {11002002} Négociations de paix {peace negotiations} {11002003} Alliances {alliances} {11002004} Élections {election} {11003000} Candidats {political candidates} {11003001} Campagne électorale {political campaigns} {11003002} Financement de campagne {campaign finance} {11003003} Élections nationales {national elections} {11003004} Élections régionales {regional elections} {11003005} Élections locales {local elections} {11003006} Opération de vote {voting} {11003007} Sondage {poll} {11003008} Élections européennes {european elections} {11003009} Élections primaires {primary} {11003010} Espionnage {espionage and intelligence} {11004000} Aide internationale {foreign aid} {11005000} Sanction économique {economic sanction} {11005001} Gouvernement {government} {11006000} Service public {civil and public service} {11006001} Sécurité publique {safety of citizens} {11006002} Experts {think tank} {11006003} Gouvernement national {national government} {11006004} Pouvoir exécutif {executive (government)} {11006005} Chef de l'Etat {heads of state} {11006006} Ministère {government departments} {11006007} Hauts fonctionnaires {public officials} {11006008} Ministres {ministers (government)} {11006009} Fonctionnaires {public employees} {11006010} Privatisation {privatisation} {11006011} Nationalisation {nationalisation} {11006012} Procédure de destitution {impeachment} {11006013} Droits de l'homme {human rights} {11007000} Institutions locales {local authority} {11008000} Parlement {parliament} {11009000} Chambre haute {upper house} {11009001} Chambre basse {lower house} {11009002} Partis politiques {parties and movements} {11010000} ONG {non government organizations (NGO)} {11010001} Réfugiés {refugee} {11011000} Institutions régionales {regional authority} {11012000} Budget de l'Etat et impôts {state budget and tax} {11013000} Finances publiques {public finance} {11013001} Traités et organisations internationales {treaty and international organisation-DEPRECATED} {11014000} Relations internationales {international relations-DEPRECATED} {11014001} Négociations de paix {peace negotiations-DEPRECATED} {11014002} Alliances {alliances-DEPRECATED} {11014003} Constitution {constitution} {11015000} Politique Intérieure {interior policy} {11016000} Confidentialité des données {data protection} {11016001} Urbanisme {housing and urban planning} {11016002} Assistance sociale {pension and welfare} {11016003} Contrôle des armes personnelles {personal weapon control} {11016004} Autochtones {indigenous people} {11016005} Données personnelles {personal data collection} {11016006} Enquête d'utilité publique {planning inquiries} {11016007} Migrations {migration} {11017000} Initiative populaire {citizens initiative and recall} {11018000} Référendum {referenda} {11019000} Politique Nucléaire {nuclear policy} {11020000} Groupe de pression {lobbying} {11021000} Médiateur {regulatory policy and organisation} {11022000} Censure {censorship} {11023000} Politique {politics (general)} {11024000} Systèmes politiques {political systems} {11024001} Démocratie {democracy} {11024002} Histoire politique {political development} {11024003} Liberté de la presse {freedom of the press} {11025000} Liberté de culte {freedom of religion} {11026000} Traité {treaty} {11027000} Organisation internationale {international organisation} {11028000} Religion et croyance {religion and belief} {12000000} Église (organisation) {12000001} {church (organisation)} Édifice religieux {12000002} {religious facility} Cultes et sectes {cult and sect} {12001000} Croyances {belief (faith)} {12002000} Église de l'Unification {unificationism} {12002001} Scientologie {scientology} {12002002} Franc-maçonnerie {freemasonry} {12003000} Religion-DEPRECATED {religion-DEPRECATED} {12004000} Christianisme-DEPRECATED {christianity-DEPRECATED} {12004001} Musulman-DEPRECATED {islam-DEPRECATED} {12004002} Judaïsme-DEPRECATED {judaism-DEPRECATED} {12004003} Boudhisme-DEPRECATED {buddhism-DEPRECATED} {12004004} Hindouisme-DEPRECATED {hinduism-DEPRECATED} {12004005} église-DEPRECATED {church (organisation)-DEPRECATED} {12005000} établissement religieux-DEPRECATED {religious facilities-DEPRECATED} {12005001} Valeurs {values} {12006000} éthique {ethics} {12006001} Corruption {corrupt practices} {12006002} Relations entre l'église et l'Etat {church and state relations} {12007000} Philosophie {philosophy} {12008000} Christianisme {christianity} {12009000} Protestantisme {protestant} {12009001} Luthérianisme {lutheran} {12009002} Calvinisme {reformed} {12009003} Anglicanisme {anglican} {12009004} Méthodisme {methodist} {12009005} Eglise Baptiste {baptist} {12009006} Mennonisme {mennonite} {12009007} Mormon {mormon} {12009009} Catholicisme romain {roman catholic} {12009010} Vieux Catholique {old catholic} {12009011} Orthodoxie {orthodoxy} {12009012} Armée du Salut {salvation army} {12009013} Islam {islam} {12010000} Judaïsme {judaism} {12011000} Bouddhisme {buddhism} {12012000} Hindouisme {hinduism} {12013000} Fête religieuse {religious festival or holiday} {12014000} Noël {christmas} {12014001} Pâques {easter} {12014002} Pentecôte {pentecost} {12014003} Ramadan {ramadan} {12014004} Yom Kippour {yom kippur} {12014005} Chefs religieux {religious leader} {12015000} Pape {pope} {12015001} Animisme {nature religion} {12016000} Taoïsme {taoism} {12017000} Shintoïsme {shintoism} {12018000} Sikhisme {sikhism} {12019000} Jaïnisme {jainism} {12020000} Parsasm {parsasm} {12021000} Confucianisme {confucianism} {12022000} Textes religieux {religious text} {12023000} Bible {bible} {12023001} Coran {qur'an} {12023002} Torah {torah} {12023003} Dialogue interreligieux {interreligious dialogue} {12024000} Evénement religieux {religious event} {12025000} Réunion catholique {catholic convention} {12025001} Réunion protestante {protestant convention} {12025002} Rituel {ritual} {12025004} Concordat {concordat} {12026000} Oecuménisme {ecumenism} {12027000} Science et technologie {science and technology} {13000000} Sciences appliquées {applied science} {13001000} Physique {physics} {13001001} Chimie {chemistry} {13001002} Cosmologie {cosmology} {13001003} Physique des particules {particle physics} {13001004} Ingénierie {engineering} {13002000} Science des matériaux {material science} {13002001} Sciences humaines {human science} {13003000} Sciences sociales {social sciences} {13003001} Histoire {history} {13003002} Psychologie {psychology} {13003003} Sociologie {sociology} {13003004} Anthropologie {anthropology} {13003005} Sciences naturelles {natural science} {13004000} Géologie {geology} {13004001} Paléontologie {paleontology} {13004002} Géographie {geography} {13004003} Botanique {botany} {13004004} Zoologie {zoology} {13004005} Physiologie {physiology} {13004006} Astronomie {astronomy} {13004007} Biologie {biology} {13004008} Philosophie des sciences {philosophical science} {13005000} Recherche {research} {13006000} Enquête sociologique {survey} {13006001} Exploration scientifique {scientific exploration} {13007000} Programmes spatiaux {space programme} {13008000} Science {science (general)} {13009000} Technologie {technology (general)} {13010000} Fuséologie {rocketry} {13010001} Laser {laser} {13010002} Standards {standards} {13011000} Zoologie {animal science} {13012000} Science de l'infiniment petit {micro science} {13013000} Océanographie {marine science} {13014000} Climatologie {weather science} {13015000} Electronique {electronics} {13016000} Technologie de l'identification {identification technology} {13017000} Mathématiques {mathematics} {13018000} Biotechnologie {biotechnology} {13019000} Agronomie {agricultural research and technology} {13020000} Nanotechnologie {nanotechnology} {13021000} Science de l'informatique {IT/computer sciences} {13022000} Institutions scientifiques {scientific institutions} {13023000} Société {social issue} {14000000} Toxicomanie {addiction} {14001000} Activités caritatives {charity} {14002000} Démographie {demographics} {14003000} Recensement {population and census} {14003001} Immigration {immigration} {14003002} Immigration clandestine {illegal immigrants} {14003003} Emigrés {emigrants} {14003004} Handicapés {disabled} {14004000} Euthanasie {euthanasia (also includes assisted suicide)} {14005000} Suicide {suicide} {14005001} Famille {family} {14006000} Relation parent-enfant {parent and child} {14006001} Adoption {adoption} {14006002} Mariage {marriage} {14006003} Divorce {divorce} {14006004} Sexualité {sex} {14006005} Flirt {courtship} {14006006} Contrôle des naissances {family planning} {14007000} Assurance maladie {health insurance} {14008000} Sans abris {homelessness} {14009000} Minorités {minority group} {14010000} Homosexualité {gays and lesbians} {14010001} Minorité ethnique ou nationale {national or ethnic minority} {14010002} Pornographie {pornography} {14011000} Pauvreté {poverty} {14012000} Prostitution {prostitution} {14013000} Racisme {racism} {14014000} Protection sociale {welfare} {14015000} Avortement {abortion} {14016000} Personnes disparues {missing person} {14017000} Personnes disparues en temps de guerre {missing due to hostilities} {14017001} Soins de longue durée {long term care} {14018000} Délinquance juvénile {juvenile delinquency} {14019000} victimes irradiées {nuclear radiation victims} {14020000} Esclavage {slavery} {14021000} Harcèlement {abusive behaviour} {14022000} Fin de vie et mort {death and dying} {14023000} Peuple {people} {14024000} Enfants {children} {14024001} Bébé {infants} {14024002} Adolescent {teen-agers} {14024003} Adultes {adults} {14024004} Personnes âgées {senior citizens} {14024005} Problèmes de société {social issues (general)} {14025000} Condition sociale {social conditions} {14025001} Problèmes sociaux {social problems} {14025002} Discrimination {discrimination} {14025003} Services sociaux {social services} {14025004} Peine de mort {death penalty policies} {14025005} Déminage {ordnance clearance} {14026000} Reconstruction {reconstruction} {14027000} Sport {sport} {15000000} Hommes {15000001} {men} Femmes {15000002} {women} Mixte {15000003} {mixed} Individuel {15000004} {individual} Double {15000005} {duet/double} Équipe {15000006} {team} Indoor {15000007} {indoor} Outdoor {15000008} {outdoor} Amateur {15000009} {amateur} Professionnel {pro]} {15000010} {professional} Université {15000011} {college} Sénior {15000012} {senior} Junior {15000013} {junior} Moins de 18 {15000014} {under 18} Moins de 15 {15000015} {under 15} Moins de 13 {15000016} {under 13} Moins de 11 {15000017} {under 11} Moins de 19 {15000018} {under 9} Lycée {15000019} {precollege school related} Phases qualificatives ou éliminatoires {15000020} {qualifying/elimination} Phases préliminaires {15000021} {preliminary} Round {15000022} {round} Round qualificatif {15000023} {qualifying round} Final {15000024} {final} Match de classement {15000025} {classification match} Série éliminatoire {15000026} {play-off} Dopage {15000027} {doping} Sponsoring {15000028} {sponsorship} Marketing {15000029} {marketing} Handicapé {15000030} {disabled} Sourd {15000031} {deaf} Cérémonie d'ouverture {15000032} {opening ceremony} Cérémonie de clôture {15000033} {closing ceremony} Majeur {15000034} {major} Mineur {15000035} {minor} Semi-professionnel {15000036} {semi-professional} Jeu Match Compétition {15000037} {game} {match} {contest} Ligue {15000038} {league} Évènement en cours {15000039} {event in progress} Évènement terminé {15000040} {event final} Blessure {15000041} {injury} Business {15000042} {business} Complexes sportifs {15000043} {sports facilities} Record {15000044} {record} Sélection {15000045} {selection} Entraineur {15000046} {coaches {trainers} {managers} Arbitres {15000047} {umpires/referees} Sports aériens et d'aviation {aero and aviation sport} {15001000} Parachutisme {parachuting} {15001001} Chute libre {sky diving} {15001002} Ski alpin {alpine skiing} {15002000} Descente {downhill} {15002001} Slalom Géant {giant slalom} {15002002} Super-G {super G} {15002003} Slalom {slalom} {15002004} Combiné {combined} {15002005} Football américain {American football} {15003000} National Football League {(US) National Football League (NFL) (North American)} {15003001} entry deleted {CFL} {15003002} AFL {AFL-DEPRECATED} {15003003} Tir à l'arc {archery} {15004000} Style FITA {FITA / Outdoor target archery} {15004001} Tir à l'arbalète {crossbow shooting} {15004002} Athlétisme {athletics track and field} {15005000} 100m {100 m} {15005001} 200m {200 m} {15005002} 400m {400 m} {15005003} 800m {800 m} {15005004} 1000m {1000 m} {15005005} 1500m {1500 m} {15005006} Mile {mile} {15005007} 2000m {2000 m} {15005008} 3000m {3000 m} {15005009} 5000m {5000 m} {15005010} 10000m {10000 m} {15005011} 20km {20 km} {15005012} L'heure {one hour} {15005013} 25km {25000} {15005014} 30km {30000} {15005015} 110mhaies {110 m hurdles} {15005016} 400mhaies {400 m hurdles} {15005017} 3000m steeple {3000 m steeplechase} {15005018} Saut en hauteur {high jump} {15005019} Saut à la perche {pole vault} {15005020} Saut en longueur {long jump} {15005021} Triple saut {triple jump} {15005022} Lancer du poids {shot put} {15005023} Lancer du disque {discus throw} {15005024} Lancer de marteau {hammer throw} {15005025} Lancer de javelot {javelin throw} {15005026} Decathlon {decathlon} {15005027} Relais 4x100 m {4x100 m} {15005028} Relais 4x200 m {4x200 m} {15005029} Relais 4x400 m {4x400 m} {15005030} Relais 4x800 m {4x800 m} {15005031} Relais4x1500 m {4x1500 m} {15005032} Marche 1h {walk 1 h} {15005033} Marche 2h {walk 2 h} {15005034} 10km marche {10 km walk} {15005035} 15km marche {15 km walk} {15005036} 20km marche {20 km walk} {15005037} 30km marche {30 km walk} {15005038} 50km marche {50 km walk} {15005039} 100m haies {100 m hurdles} {15005040} 5 km marche {5 km walk} {15005041} heptathlon {heptathlon} {15005042} 1500m marche {1500 m walk} {15005043} 2000m marche {2000 m walk} {15005044} 3000m marche {3000 m walk} {15005045} 50m {50 m} {15005046} 50m haies {50 m hurdles} {15005047} 50 yards {50 yards} {15005048} 50 yard haies {50 yard hurdles} {15005049} 60m {60 m} {15005050} 60m haies {60 m hurdles} {15005051} 60 yards {60 yards} {15005052} 60 yard haies {60 yard hurdles} {15005053} 100 yards {100 yards} {15005054} 100 yard haies {100 yard hurdles} {15005055} 300m {300 m} {15005056} 300 yards {300 yards} {15005057} 440 yards {440 yards} {15005058} 500m {500 m} {15005059} 500 yards {500 yards} {15005060} 600m {600 m} {15005061} 600 yards {600 yards} {15005062} 880 yards {880 yards} {15005063} 1000 yards {1000 yards} {15005064} 2 miles {2 miles} {15005065} 3 miles {3 miles} {15005066} 6 miles {6 miles} {15005067} Relais 4x1 mile {4x1 mile} {15005068} Pentathlon {pentathlon} {15005069} Badminton {badminton} {15006000} Base-ball {baseball} {15007000} American League {Major League Baseball (North American Professional) - American League} {15007001} National League {Major League Baseball (North American Professional) - National League} {15007002} Special {Major League Baseball (North American Professional) - Special (e.g. All-Star World Series)} {15007003} Rubberball baseball {rubberball baseball} {15007004} Playoffs {Major League Baseball Playoffs} {15007005} World Series {World Series} {15007006} Basket-ball {basketball} {15008000} NBA {National Basketball Association (North American Professional)} {15008001} Ligue professionnelle féminine {professional - Women general} {15008002} Netball suisse {Swiss netball} {15008003} Netball allemand {German netball} {15008004} Netball néerlandais {Dutch netball} {15008005} Biathlon {biathlon} {15009000} 7.5 km {7.5 km} {15009001} 10 km {10 km} {15009002} 15 km {15 km} {15009003} 20 km {20 km} {15009004} Relais 4x7.5 km {4x7.5 km relay} {15009005} Poursuite 12.5 km {12.5 km pursuit} {15009006} Billards snooker et pool {billiards snooker and pool} {15010000} 8 ball {8 ball} {15010001} 9 ball {9 ball} {15010002} 14.1 continu {14-janv.} {15010003} Continuous {continuous-DEPRECATED} {15010004} Other {other-DEPRECATED} {15010005} snooker {snooker} {15010006} Bobsleigh {bobsleigh} {15011000} Bob à deux {two-man sled} {15011001} Bob à quatre {four-man sled} {15011002} Bowling {bowling} {15012000} Boule anglaise et pétanque {bowls and petanque} {15013000} Boxe {boxing} {15014000} Super-lourds {super-heavyweight} {15014001} Lourds {heavyweight} {15014002} Mi-lourds {cruiserweight} {15014003} Moyens {light-heavyweight} {15014004} Super mi-moyens {super-middleweight} {15014005} Mi-moyens {middleweight} {15014006} Super légers {light-middleweight} {15014007} Légers {welterweight} {15014008} Super-plumes {light-welterweight} {15014009} Plumes {lightweight} {15014010} Super-poids plumes {super-featherweight} {15014011} Poids-plume {featherweight} {15014012} Super coq {super-bantamweight} {15014013} Coq {bantamweight} {15014014} Super-mouches {super-flyweight} {15014015} Mouches {flyweight} {15014016} Mi-mouches {light flyweight} {15014017} Pailles {straw} {15014018} IBF {IBF} {15014019} WBA {WBA} {15014020} WBC {WBC} {15014021} WBO {WBO} {15014022} Boxe française {French boxing} {15014023} Boxe Thai {Thai boxing} {15014024} Canoë-kayak {canoeing and kayaking} {15015000} Slalom {Slalom} {15015001} 200m {200 m} {15015002} 500m {500 m} {15015003} 1000m {1000 m} {15015004} K1 {K1} {15015005} K2 {K2} {15015006} K4 {K4} {15015007} C1 {C1} {15015008} C2 {C2} {15015009} C4 {C4} {15015010} Canoe à voile {canoe sailing} {15015011} Pontoniering {pontoniering} {15015012} Alpinisme et escalade {climbing} {15016000} Alpinisme {mountaineering} {15016001} Escalade {sport climbing} {15016002} Cricket {cricket} {15017000} Curling {curling} {15018000} Crosse sur glace {icestock sport} {15018001} Cyclisme {cycling} {15019000} piste {track} {15019001} poursuite {pursuit} {15019002} Sprint Olympique {Olympic sprint} {15019003} vitesse {sprint} {15019004} Keirin {Keirin} {15019005} Course aux points {points race} {15019006} course à l'Américaine {Madison race} {15019007} 500 m contre la montre {500 m time trial} {15019008} 1 km contre la montre {1 km time trial} {15019009} 1 heure {one hour} {15019010} Course en ligne {road race} {15019011} Contre la montre {road time trial} {15019012} Course à étapes {staging race} {15019013} cyclo-cross {cyclo-cross} {15019014} Le VTT {Vtt} {15019015} Vtt cross {Vtt-cross} {15019016} Vtt descente {Vtt-downhill} {15019017} Bicross {bi-crossing} {15019018} VTT trial {trial} {15019019} Cyclisme artistique {artistic cycling} {15019020} Cycle balle {cycle ball} {15019021} Danse sportive {dancing} {15020000} Plongeon {diving} {15021000} Haut vol 10 m {10 m platform} {15021001} Haut vol synchronisé {10 m platform synchronised} {15021002} Tremplin 3 m {3 m springboard} {15021003} Tremplin synchronisé 3 m {3 m springboard synchronised} {15021004} Subaquatique {subaquatics} {15021005} Plongée sous-marine {scuba diving} {15021006} Equitation {equestrian} {15022000} Concours complet {three-day event} {15022001} dressage {dressage} {15022002} Saut d'obstacles {jumping} {15022003} Cross-country {cross country} {15022004} Escrime {fencing} {15023000} Epée {epee} {15023001} Fleuret {foil} {15023002} Sabre {sabre} {15023003} Hockey sur gazon {field Hockey} {15024000} Roll hockey {roll hockey} {15024001} Patinage artistique {figure Skating} {15025000} Individuel {singles} {15025001} Couple {pairs} {15025002} Danse {ice dance} {15025003} Ski acrobatique {freestyle Skiing} {15026000} Ski de bosses {moguls} {15026001} Saut acrobatique {aerials} {15026002} acroski {artistic skiing} {15026003} Golf {golf} {15027000} Gymnastique artistique {gymnastics} {15028000} Sol {floor exercise} {15028001} Saut de cheval {vault} {15028002} Cheval d'arçon {pommel horse} {15028003} Barres asymétriques {uneven bars} {15028004} Barres parallèles {parallel bars} {15028005} Barre fixe {horizontal bar} {15028006} Anneaux {rings} {15028007} Poutre {beam} {15028008} Gymnastique rythmique {rhythmic} {15028009} massues {clubs} {15028010} cerceau {hoop} {15028011} ruban {ribbon} {15028012} corde {rope} {15028013} ballon {ball} {15028014} trampoline {trampoline} {15028015} Handball {handball (team)} {15029000} Hippisme {horse racing harness racing} {15030000} Course de plat {flat racing} {15030001} Course d'obstacles {steeple chase} {15030002} Course de trot {trotting} {15030003} Cross-country {cross country} {15030004} Hockey sur glace {ice hockey} {15031000} NHL {National Hockey League (North American)} {15031001} Sledge hockey {sledge hockey} {15031002} Pelote basque {Jai Alai (Pelota)} {15032000} Place libre {fronton} {15032001} Jai-alai {jai-alai} {15032002} Mur gauche {left wall} {15032003} trinquet {trinquet} {15032004} rebot {rebot} {15032005} chistera ancha {chistera ancha} {15032006} chistera corta {chistera corta} {15032007} main nue {bare hand} {15032008} pala-ancha {pala-ancha} {15032009} pala-corta {pala-corta} {15032010} pasaka {pasaka} {15032011} xare {xare} {15032012} Judo {judo} {15033000} Lourds {heavyweight} {15033001} Mi-lourds {half-heavyweight} {15033002} Moyens {middleweight} {15033003} Mi-moyens {half-middleweight} {15033004} Mi-légers {half-lightweight} {15033005} Légers {lightweight} {15033006} Super-légers {extra lightweight} {15033007} Karaté {karate} {15034000} Entraînement {sparring} {15034001} Combat {formal exercise-DEPRECATED} {15034002} Lacrosse {lacrosse} {15035000} Luge {luge} {15036000} monoplace {singles} {15036001} biplace {doubles} {15036002} Marathon {marathon} {15037000} Pentathlon moderne {modern pentathlon} {15038000} Course à pied {running} {15038001} tir {shooting} {15038002} Natation {swimming} {15038003} escrime {fencing} {15038004} Equitation {showjumping} {15038005} Automobile {motor racing} {15039000} F1 {Formula One} {15039001} F3000 {F3000} {15039002} Course d'endurance {endurance} {15039003} Formule Indy {Indy} {15039004} CART {CART} {15039005} NHRA {NHRA} {15039006} NASCAR {NASCAR} {15039007} TRUCKI {TRUCKI} {15039008} Rallyes {motor rallying} {15040000} étape {rallying} {15040001} Rallyes-raid {pursuit} {15040002} Rallycross {rallycross} {15040003} Moto {motorcycling} {15041000} Grand-Prix de vitesse {speed-Grand-Prix} {15041001} enduro {enduro} {15041002} Course sur herbe {grass-track} {15041003} moto-ball {moto-ball} {15041004} Motocross {moto-cross} {15041005} Rallyes {rallying} {15041006} Trial {trial} {15041007} Endurance {endurance} {15041008} superbike {superbike} {15041009} 125cm3 {125 cm3} {15041010} 250cm3 {250 cm3} {15041011} 500cm3 {500 cm3} {15041012} side-cars {side-cars} {15041013} MotoGP {motoGP} {15041014} Netball {netball} {15042000} Ski nordique {nordic skiing} {15043000} Course de fond {cross-country} {15043001} 5 km Style classique {5 km classical time} {15043002} 10 km style classique {10 km classical style} {15043003} 10 km poursuite libre {10 km pursuit free style} {15043004} 15 km style classique {15 km classical style} {15043005} 15 km poursuite libre {15 km pursuit free style} {15043006} 10 km + 15 km combiné {10 km + 15 km combined} {15043007} 30 km style classique {30 km classical style} {15043008} 30 km libre {30km free style} {15043009} 50 km libre {50 km free style} {15043010} 4x5 km relais {4x5 km relay} {15043011} 4x10 km relais {4x10 km relay} {15043012} Combiné nordique {nordic combined} {15043013} Raid {raid} {15043014} 5 km poursuite libre {5 km pursuit free style} {15043015} 1.5 km style libre {1.5 km sprint free} {15043016} 50 km style classique {50 km classic style} {15043017} Course d'orientation {orienteering} {15044000} Course d'orientation à skis {ski orienteering} {15044001} Polo {polo} {15045000} Motonautisme {power boating} {15046000} F1 {F1} {15046001} F2 {F2} {15046002} Aviron {rowing} {15047000} Skiff {single sculls} {15047001} Double sculls {double sculls} {15047002} Quatre en couple sans barreur {quadruple sculls} {15047003} Deux sans barreur {coxless pair} {15047004} Quatre sans barreur {coxless four} {15047005} Huit {eight} {15047006} Poids léger {lightweight} {15047007} Jeu à XIII {rugby league} {15048000} Rugby à XV {rugby union} {15049000} Rugby à VII {rugby 7} {15049001} Voile {sailing} {15050000} Tornado {Tornado} {15050001} Soling {soling} {15050002} 49er {49er} {15050003} Europe {Europe} {15050004} Laser {Laser} {15050005} 470 {470} {15050006} Finn {Finn} {15050007} Star {Star} {15050008} Flying dutchmann {flying dutchmann} {15050009} 505 {505} {15050010} Course à étape {staging race} {15050011} Autour du monde {around the world} {15050012} Monocoque {monohull} {15050013} Multicoques {multihulls} {15050014} Yngling {yngling} {15050015} Mistral {mistral} {15050016} Tir {shooting} {15051000} Carabine à air comprimé 10 m {10 m air rifle} {15051001} Pistolet à air comprimé à 10 m {10 m air pistol} {15051002} 10 m cible mouvante {10 m running target} {15051003} Pistolet 25 m {25 m rapid fire pistol} {15051004} 25 m pistolet sport {25 m sport pistol} {15051005} Pistolet libre à 50 m {50 m free pistol} {15051006} 50 m carabine libre couché {50 m free rifle prone} {15051007} 50 m carabine libre 3x40 {50 m free rifle 3x40} {15051008} 50 m carabine sport 3x20 {50 m sport rifle 3x20} {15051009} Trap {trap} {15051010} Double trap {double trap} {15051011} Skeet {skeet} {15051012} Saut à skis {ski jumping} {15052000} K90 {K90 jump} {15052001} K120 {K120 jump} {15052002} K180 {K180 (flying jump)} {15052003} Surf des neiges {snow boarding} {15053000} Slalom géant parallèle {giant slalom} {15053001} Half-pipe {half-pipe} {15053002} Football {soccer} {15054000} Softball {softball} {15055000} Patinage de vitesse {speed skating} {15056000} 500m {500 m} {15056001} 1000m {1000 m} {15056002} 1500m {1500 m} {15056003} 3000m {3000 m} {15056004} 5000m {5000 m} {15056005} 10000m {10000 m} {15056006} Short-track {Short-track} {15056007} st500m {st 500 m} {15056008} st1000m {st 1000m} {15056009} st1500m {st 1500m} {15056010} st3000m {st 3000m} {15056011} st 3000m relais {st 3000m relay} {15056012} st5000m {st 5000m} {15056013} st 5000m relais {st 5000m relay} {15056014} Speedway {speedway} {15057000} Organisations sportives {sports organisations} {15058000} CIO {IOC} {15058001} Fédération internationale {international federation} {15058002} Fédération continentale {continental federation} {15058003} Fédération nationale {national federation} {15058004} AGFIS {GAISF} {15058005} Squash {squash} {15059000} Sumo {sumo wrestling} {15060000} Surf {surfing} {15061000} Natation {swimming} {15062000} 50 m libre {50 m freestyle} {15062001} 100 m libre {100 m freestyle} {15062002} 200 m libre {200 m freestyle} {15062003} 400 m libre {400 m freestyle} {15062004} 800 m libre {800 m freestyle} {15062005} 1500 m libre {1500 m freestyle} {15062006} Relais 4x50 m libre {relay 4x50 m freestyle} {15062007} Relais 4x100 m libre {relay 4x100 m freestyle} {15062008} Relais 4x200 m libre {relay 4x200 m freestyle} {15062009} 50m dos {50 m backstroke} {15062010} 100m dos {100 m backstroke} {15062011} 200m dos {200 m backstroke} {15062012} 50m brasse {50 m breaststroke} {15062013} 100m brasse {100 m breaststroke} {15062014} 200m brasse {200 m breaststroke} {15062015} 50m papillon {50 m butterfly} {15062016} 100m papillon {100 m butterfly} {15062017} 200 m papillon {200 m butterfly} {15062018} 100 m 4 nages {100 m medley} {15062019} 200 m 4 nages {200 m medley} {15062020} 400 m 4 nages {400 m medley} {15062021} relais 4x50m 4 nages {relay 4x50 m medlay} {15062022} Relais 4x100 m 4nages {relay4x100 m medley} {15062023} petit bassin {short course} {15062024} Natation synchronisée programme technique {synchronised technical routine} {15062025} Natation synchronisée programme libre {synchronised free routine} {15062026} Tennis de table {table tennis} {15063000} Taekwondo {Taekwon-Do} {15064000} Moins de 49 kg {under 49 kg} {15064001} Moins de 58 kg {under 58 kg} {15064002} 49-57 kg {49-57 kg} {15064003} 58-68kg {58-68 kg} {15064004} 57-67kg {57-67 kg} {15064005} 68-80kg {68-80 kg} {15064006} Plus de 67 kg {over 67 kg} {15064007} Plus de 80 kg {over 80 kg} {15064008} Tennis {tennis} {15065000} Soft tennis {soft tennis} {15065001} Triathlon {triathlon} {15066000} Natation {triathlon swimming} {15066001} Cyclisme {triathlon cycling} {15066002} Course {triathlon run} {15066003} Volley-ball {volleyball} {15067000} Beach volley {beach volleyball} {15067001} Water polo {water polo} {15068000} Ski nautique {water skiing} {15069000} Slalom {slalom} {15069001} Figures {trick} {15069002} Saut {jump} {15069003} combiné {combined} {15069004} Haltérophilie {weightlifting} {15070000} Arrachée {snatch} {15070001} épaulé-jeté {clean and jerk} {15070002} 48kg {48 kg} {15070003} 53kg {53 kg} {15070004} 63kg {63 kg} {15070005} 75kg {75 kg} {15070006} Plus de 75kg {over 75 kg} {15070007} 56kg {56 kg} {15070008} 62kg {62 kg} {15070009} 69kg {69 kg} {15070010} 77kg {77 kg} {15070011} 85kg {85 kg} {15070012} 94kg {94 kg} {15070013} 105kg {105 kg} {15070014} > 105 kg {over 105 kg} {15070015} Force athlétique {powerlifting} {15070016} Planche à voile {windsurfing} {15071000} Courses en mer {ocean} {15071001} Régates sur lac {lake} {15071002} Régates sur fleuve {river} {15071003} Courses sur terre {land} {15071004} Lutte {wrestling} {15072000} Lutte libre {freestyle} {15072001} Lutte gréco-romaine {greco-roman} {15072002} Plus de 130 kg {over 130 kg} {15072003} 130kg {130 kg} {15072004} 97kg {97 kg} {15072005} 85kg {85 kg} {15072006} 76kg {76 kg} {15072007} 69kg {69 kg} {15072008} 63kg {63 kg} {15072009} 58kg {58 kg} {15072010} 54kg {54 kg} {15072011} Lutte suisse {Swiss wrestling} {15072012} Evènements sportifs {sports event} {15073000} JO d'été {Summer Olympics} {15073001} JO d'hiver {Winter Olympics} {15073002} Universiade d'été {Summer universiade} {15073003} Universiade d'hiver {Winter Universiade} {15073004} Jeux du Commonwealth {Commonwealth Games} {15073005} Goodwill Games hiver {Winter Goodwill Games} {15073006} Jeux asiatiques d'été {Summer Asian Games} {15073007} Jeux asiatiques d'hiver {Winter Asian Games} {15073008} Jeux panaméricains {Panamerican Games} {15073009} Jeux africains {African Games} {15073010} Jeux méditerranéens {Mediterranean Games} {15073011} Jeux du sud est asiatique {SouthEast Asiatic Games} {15073012} Jeux Panpacifique {PanPacific Games} {15073013} Jeux du Pacifique sud {SouthPacific Games} {15073014} Jeux panarabiques {PanArabic Games} {15073015} Goodwill Games été {Summer Goodwill Games} {15073016} Mondiaux {World games} {15073017} Coupe du monde {World Cup} {15073018} Coupe intercontinentale {intercontinental cup} {15073019} Coupe continentale {continental cup} {15073020} Coupe internationale {international cup} {15073021} Coupe nationale {National Cup} {15073022} Coupe interregionale {interregional cup} {15073023} Coupe régionale {regional cup} {15073024} Coupe de Ligue {league cup} {15073025} Championnat du Monde {world championship} {15073026} Championnat intercontinental {intercontinental championship} {15073027} Championnat continental 1er niveau {continental championship 1st level} {15073028} Championnat continental 2ème niveau {continental championship 2nd level} {15073029} Championnat continental 3ème niveau {continental championship 3rd level} {15073030} Championnat national 1er niveau {national championship 1st level} {15073031} Championnat national 2eme niveau {national championship 2nd level} {15073032} Championnat national 3ème niveau {national championship3rdlevel} {15073033} Championnat national 4ème niveau {national championship 4th level} {15073034} Championnat régional {regional championship} {15073035} Grand Prix {Grand Prix} {15073036} Tournoi intercontinental {intercontinental tournament} {15073037} Tournoi continental {continental tournament} {15073038} Tournoi international {international tournament} {15073039} Tournoi national {national tournament} {15073040} Compétition internationale {inter-nations competition} {15073041} Compétition inter-clubs {inter-clubs competition} {15073042} Compétition amicale {friendly competition} {15073043} Compétition all-stars {all-stars competition} {15073044} Exhibition {exhibition} {15073045} Super Bowl {Super Bowl} {15073046} Jeux paralympiques {paralympic games} {15073047} Rodéo {rodeo} {15074000} Barrel racing {barrel racing} {15074001} Calf roping {calf roping} {15074002} Bull riding {bull riding} {15074003} Bulldogging {bulldogging} {15074004} Saddle bronc {saddle bronc} {15074005} Bareback {bareback} {15074006} Goat roping {goat roping} {15074007} Mini golf sport {mini golf sport} {15075000} Bandy {bandy} {15076000} Frisbee {flying disc} {15077000} Ultimate {ultimate} {15077001} Guts {guts} {15077002} Overall {overall} {15077003} Distance {distance} {15077004} Discathon {discathon} {15077005} DDC {DDC} {15077006} SCF {SCF} {15077007} Freestyle {freestyle} {15077008} Accuracy {accuracy} {15077009} Disc golf {disc golf} {15077010} Floorball {floorball} {15078000} Casting {casting} {15079000} Tug-of-war {tug-of-war} {15080000} Croquette {croquette} {15081000} Course de chiens {dog racing} {15082000} Sled {sled} {15082001} Oval track {oval track} {15082002} Skeleton {skeleton} {15083000} Football australien {Australian rules football} {15084000} Football canadien {Canadian football} {15085000} Duathlon {duathlon} {15086000} Hornuss {hornuss} {15087000} Fist ball {fist ball} {15088000} Inline skating {inline skating} {15089000} Grass ski {grass ski} {15090000} Snowbiking {snowbiking} {15091000} Twirling {twirling} {15092000} Kendo {kendo} {15093000} Jukendo {jukendo} {15094000} Naginata {naginata} {15095000} Kyudo {kyudo} {15096000} Kabaddi {kabaddi} {15097000} Sepak takraw {sepak takraw} {15098000} Wushu {wushu} {15099000} Fléchettes {darts} {15100000} Bodybuilding {bodybuilding} {15101000} Action disciplinaire sportive {sports disciplinary action} {15102000} Récompenses sportives {sports awards} {15103000} Guerres et conflits {unrest conflicts and war} {16000000} Actes de terrorisme {act of terror} {16001000} Conflits armés {armed conflict} {16002000} Désordres civils {civil unrest} {16003000} Révolutions {revolutions} {16003001} Rébellions {rebellions} {16003002} Dissidence {political dissent} {16003003} Conflit religieux {religious conflict} {16003004} Conflit social {social conflict} {16003005} Coup d'état {coup d'etat} {16004000} Guérilla {guerrilla activity} {16005000} Bioterrorisme {bioterrorism} {16005001} Explosion de bombes {bombings} {16005002} Massacre {massacre} {16006000} Génocide {genocide} {16006001} émeutes {riots} {16007000} Manifestations {demonstration} {16008000} Guerre {war} {16009000} Guerre civile {civil war} {16009001} Interventions militaires {international military intervention} {16009002} Prisonniers et détenus {prisoners and detainees} {16009003} Conflits {conflict (general)} {16010000} Forces de maintien de la paix {peacekeeping force} {16010001} Crise {crisis} {16011000} Armement {weaponry} {16012000} Météo {weather} {17000000} Prévisions {forecast} {17001000} évolutions climatiques {global change} {17002000} Bulletins {report} {17003000} Informations météorologiques {weather news} {17003001} Statistiques {statistic} {17004000} Alertes {warning} {17005000} IPTC Genres Actualité {Actuality} Conseil {Advice} Consultatif {Advisory} Almanach {almanac} Analyse {Analysis} Anniversaire {Anniversary} Matériel d'archive {Archive material} Contexte {Background} Biographie {Biography} En cours {Current} Curtain raiser {Curtain Raiser} Agenda {Daybook} Exclusif {Exclusive} Fait divers {Feature} Événement récurrent {Fixture} Prévisions {Forecast} Sur place {From the Scene} Histoire {History} Horoscope {horoscope} Interview {Interview} Liste de faits {Listing Of Facts} Musique {Music} Nécrologie {Obituary} Opinion {Opinion} Sondages et études {Polls and Surveys} Résumé de presse {Press-Digest} Relations presse {Press Release} Portrait {Profile} Programme {Program} Séance de questions réponses {Question and Answer Session} Citation {Quote} Son brut {Raw Sound} Réponse à une question {Response to a Question} Liste de résultats et statistiques {Results Listings and Statistics} Retrospective {Retrospective} Avis et revues {Review} Circonstances des événements {Scener} Informations annexes {Side bar and supporting information} Reportage spécial {Special Report} Résumé {Summary} Synopsis {Synopsis} Texte seul {Text only} Transcriptions et verbatims {Transcript and Verbatim} Mise à jour {Update} Dictaphone {Voicer} Wrap {Wrap} Wrap up {Wrapup} IPTC Qualifiers Femelle {00000001} {female} Mâle {00000002} {male} IPTC Scenes Portrait {010100} {headshot} Buste {010200} {half-length} En pied {010300} {full-length} profil {010400} {profile} De derrière {010500} {rear view} Seul {010600} {single} Couple {010700} {couple} Deux {010800} {two} Groupe {010900} {group} Vue générale {011000} {general view} Vue panoramique {011100} {panoramic view} Vue aérienne {011200} {aerial view} Vue sous-marine {011300} {under-water} Scène de nuit {011400} {night scene} Satellite {011500} {satellite} Vue extérieure {011600} {exterior view} Vue intérieure {011700} {interior view} Vue rapprochée {011800} {close-up} Action {011900} {action} En train d'executer {012000} {performing} Posant {012100} {posing} Sympbolique {012200} {symbolic} Off beat {012300} {off-beat} Scène de film {012400} {movie scene} IPTC Content warnings Mort {Death} Vocabulaire {Language} Nudité {Nudity} Sexualité {Sexuality} Violence {Violence}